Ah, the Swiss Army Knife — nearly synonymous with "pocketknife" and grand-pére to folders the world over. There are two brands of SAKs: Victorinox and Wenger. I once bought a Wenger SA Watch and it stopped running within a month. Ergo, I'm a Victorinox man. The Victorinox shown here belongs to my friend's 9-year-old son, Oliver. And unless he loses it, I suspect he'll pass it along to his own son some day. I myself received a similar model as a youngster and I still use it frequently. Oliver's SAK is a great starter tool and it's to my taste: classic red handle with Victorinox shield, two functional blades and no frivolous accoutrements (what's a 9-year-old need with a corkscrew anyway?). Congratulations to Oliver on his first pocketknife. Don't hurt yourself, laddybuck.