Check out the li'l folder adorned with the confederate flag and further emblazed with the mating call of Redneck Nation. The owner has a pair of ropers for any occasion, he drinks only domestic beer with this freedom fries, and will hoot like a wild coyote any time Dale, Jr. slips past that sissy in #24. I would guess most knives are used to dissuade anyone from uttering the tired and annoying phrase, "Git 'er done." But this in-your-face good ol' boy wears his phonetic twang with unapologetic Southern pride.
Shat fire gawdammit! I done reckon that thar's the purtiest sumbitch I ever did done seent. Yee-ha! Thar ain't no way nobody could wear that bugger with enuf pride. Fuuuuuck. Any snooty yankee says sumpin to me bout my Git 'er done knife, I'ma say "Smatterchew" and cut 'em open from stem to stern like one o' them thar mule deers. (Spit.)
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