This just about sums up the beginning of the millennium: a weapon graced with the befuddled countenance of our Decider in Chief, as bombs explode in the background. Carrying this knife is a patriot act in itself. I wonder if I could board a plane with it.
Search light? You mean that thing on the left? Dang, I thought that was an eavesdropping device. Or maybe a homing beacon.
Pluswhich, what's he wearing in that picture? is that a Member's Only jacket? Smuk.
onarres! Thanks for commenting. You are the first stranger to post on my blog. I guess if it weren't for people like you, no one would make a knife like this one. Hope you're not offended, but I think W. is the biggest failure in American history. Well, that's what makes our country great -- freedom of expression.
onarres -- serrano. I get it. Freak.
I've always liked that about America too.
Well, it followed your email by about 5 minutes.
Hilary for president in 2008!
I said, Hilary for president in 2008!
Can I get a what-what you stoopid turd sandwiches.
P.S.: If there's one thing we've leaned from modern chemistry (and Nick Badway) it's that Doritos + Old Milwaukee = world peace. Can I get a "Gggggrrrfuckinayeblagh."
I like musturd on my sandwiches.
World peace would be a cinch if everyone had a full supply of snack chips and cold beer. The problem is that our ass-kickin' president, his rummy minions and their military juggernaut dropped about a million tons of smart bombs on the Iraqi infrastructure. When the populace went to their fridges to toast our awesomeness, they found that their electricity was gone and their beer was warm. Insurgencies ensued.
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