Holy ring wraiths, Frodo. The Fantasy folk have outdone themselves. Or something.
If I were going into battle against a troop of frumious bandersnatch, this is the weapon I'd reach for -- and probably cut myself in the process. This bad-to-the-bone number boasts six -- hell yeah, six! -- blades. Four of them appear to be tiered, for a total of 10 cutting surfaces. Damn. You've probably heard the phrase "grinning skull." There's no grinning here, my friends. This sonofabitch wants to part you from your soul and bathe in your cooling blood. Sleep tight, kiddies. There's no such thing as the boogie man. This knife killed him.
1 comment:
That sumbitch "knife" gave me nightmares last night. Poppersmoke, you've uncovered something originating from the fifth circle of hell. You've doomed the existence of us all by unearthing it. The story of it's origins and it's destruction of mankind would make a great movie. Unfortunately, the apocalypse will come before it makes it through post-production.
"Then the LORD rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah—from the LORD out of the heavens. Thus he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, including all those living in the cities—and also the vegetation in the land. All because of some stupid knife fetish" Genesis 19:24,25,25.5
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