Here's the perfect ensemble for knife-throwers everywhere: two stainless steel weapons (in case you miss the first time) and a hide-a-sheath that fits invisibly under your shirt sleeve. But then, if it's under your shirt sleeve, you can't really get to the knife. And it almost seems as if it's on backwards -- that the hilt should be at the guy's wrist for easy grabiture. Geez, now that I think about it, the whole knife-throwing policy seems a bit flawed. But then, I'm neither an assassin nor a circus act.
I gotta say, I think the whole apparatus might work better if it were strapped to a fella's leg. One on each leg, maybe.
I agree with Nick, it's a cryin' shame the strappy, holster thing isn't made of chainmail. That would definately be cool. Better yet, wouldn't it be bitchin' if it were made of chocolate. Cuz, as far as I'm concerned, nothing goes down better after a violent murder than some creamy, milk chocolate. And a PinĂ¡ colada.
Chocolate! LOL. (of course, you're right -- that would make it better.)
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